Negligent Treatment by a doctor or other health professional is a frequent cause of patient injury or death and a common type of Medical Malpractice case handled by our Philadelphia Negligent Medical Treatment Lawyers.
Even when a patient’s illness or disease has been properly diagnosed, a doctor can cause the patient injury by putting off treatment of the illness or by providing inadequate or improper treatment.
Here are some of the many examples of negligent medical treatment that can cause a patient harm:
Surgical errors (negligent ordering or performance of surgery)
- Anesthesia mistakes
- Delay of needed surgery
- Failing to prescribe medications that could have cured or reduced the effects of an illness
- Prescribing drugs that cause a patient harm
- Prescribing a combination of drugs with dangerous interactions
- Failing to monitor the effects of drugs a patient is taking
- Delaying treatment of a diagnosed illness
- Failing to order tests to monitor the progress of an illness
- Failing to order tests to monitor the progress of a treatment
- Failing to consider a patient’s other medical conditions when ordering treatment for a particular illness
- Failing to communicate with a patient’s other doctors about a patient’s symptoms or diagnosed illnesses and conditions
Philadelphia Negligent Medical Treatment Lawyers
Feldman & Pinto’s Philadelphia Negligent Medical Treatment Lawyers have extensive experience with cases involving patient injury or death caused by negligent medical treatment. If you believe your injury or loved one’s death was caused by negligent medical treatment or other medical malpractice, contact our MedMal Lawyers today to schedule a free consultation about the possibility of legal action.