Despite the average parents’ hopeful trust that all will go well during the birth of their child, newborns can sustain serious childbirth injuries due to the medical malpractice or negligence of labor and delivery doctors and other professionals. The types of child delivery errors seen by our Philadelphia Childbirth Malpractice Lawyers can cause life-long complications or even death to a child.

If your child died in childbirth or was injured during birth because of medical negligence, you may have a legal claim for medical malpractice against the obstetricians, other doctors, nurses, hospital staff, and even the hospital itself for the injuries caused to your child.

The Philadelphia Childbirth Malpractice Attorneys at Feldman & Pinto have fought for the rights of children who were injured in this way for over 20 years. If your child was negligently harmed during childbirth, we have the experience and knowledge to help you.

Childbirth Injury / Malpractice: Medical Mistakes during Delivery of your Baby

Negligent medical care during labor and delivery can cause Cerebral Palsy (CP) and other severe brain injuries, bone fractures, Brachial Plexus Palsies, and many other serious problems.

Philadelphia Childbirth Malpractice LawyersHere are some common examples of substandard medical care seen by our Philadelphia Childbirth Malpractice Attorneys that cause childbirth injuries or death:

  • Failure to order C-section delivery when fetus is not receiving enough oxygen or when fetus is too large to safely pass through birth canal
  • Failure to adequately monitor vital signs of mother and fetus, and failure to appropriately respond to signs of oxygen deprivation and other complications or distress in mother or fetus
  • Failure to recognize and respond to nuchal cord (winding or coiling of umbilical cord around fetus’s neck) or umbilical cord prolapse (presentation of umbilical cord in vaginal delivery before baby’s head)
  • Failure to recognize and respond to breech presentation
  • Failure to recognize and respond to placental abruption or other placental problems
  • Pulling on or twisting baby’s neck or negligently using vacuum extraction devices or forceps to accomplish difficult vaginal delivery
  • Errors in prescription or administration of medications
  • Negligent institution and enforcement of delivery room protocols

Our Philadelphia child birth injury attorneys offer representation to clients who sustained catastrophic birth injuries due to medical malpractice during labor / delivery or post-delivery care. Birth injuries can have devastating and permanent effects, including:

  • brain injury / damage
  • paralysis
  • nerve damage
  • cerebral palsy
  • blindness
  • learning disabilities
  • cognitive disorders
  • epilepsy
  • hearing loss

Brain Damage Birth Injuries

Medical malpractice during labor, delivery, and post-delivery care can result in permanent brain damage to a newborn child. Child birth brain damage injuries can easily occur when the oxygen supply of the fetus or infant is cut off or reduced.

Medical errors that may cause or contribute to serious child birth brain injuries include a medical professional’s negligent:

  • failure to monitor the baby’s and mother’s vital signs during child birth
  • failure to detect and recognize complications that can lead to the baby’s oxygen deprivation
  • failure to detect and manage the baby’s oxygen deprivation
  • failure to deliver by Caesarian section (C-section) when the baby is deprived of oxygen
  • failure to provide sufficient and needed oxygen following delivery to a baby in respiratory distress

See Philadelphia Brain Damage Medical Malpractice Lawyers for more information about brain damage med mal lawsuits.

Cerebral Palsy Birth Injuries

Cerebral Palsy Birth Injury Lawyers

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a serious brain injury that causes problems with a child’s muscle movements. CP can be classified into four main categories:

  • Ataxic CP
  • Dyskinetic CP
  • Spastic CP
  • Mixed CP

Medical errors that can lead to this devastating birth injury include negligent:

  • injury to a child’s brain with forceps or vacuum extraction
  • failure to ensure the fetus is receiving sufficient oxygen
  • use of labor and delivery medications that cut off the fetus’s oxygen supply
  • failure to provide oxygen to or resuscitate a baby who is experiencing breathing difficulties after birth

Blindness Birth Injuries

Blindness Birth Injury Lawyers

Our Philadelphia child birth injury attorneys also handle cases of blindness or vision loss caused by medical negligence during or following a child’s birth. Blindness and vision child birth injuries can result from oxygen deprivation due to mishandled complications involving the:

  • umbilical cord
  • placenta
  • fetus’s or infant’s breathing / lungs
  • C-section delivery
  • breech delivery

For additional information about vision damage lawsuits, see Philadelphia Blindness Lawsuit Attorneys.

Paralysis Birth Injuries

Paralysis Birth Injury Lawyers

Medical malpractice during child birth can also leave a newborn infant with a paralysis injury. Erb’s palsy is a type of brachial plexus palsy injury that can occur when a medical professional ruptures the nerves in a baby’s brachial plexus. (The brachial plexus is a group of nerves near the neck and shoulder.) The rupture can cause a partial or complete paralysis of the baby’s arm.

Erb’s palsy paralysis injuries due to medical malpractice can occur when a doctor pulls on a baby’s neck or shoulders in order to extricate the baby from the birth canal. If the physician pulls too hard or moves the baby’s head sideways, an injury to the brachial plexus can result.

See Philadelphia Paralysis Lawsuit Lawyers for more information about serious paralysis injuries.

Contact our Philadelphia Child Birth Malpractice Attorneys

Philadelphia Child Birth Injury Attorneys

If your child suffered a fatal or nonfatal childbirth injury because of inadequate and negligent medical care during your labor and delivery, you may have a claim for Medical Negligence against any one or all of the doctors and other medical staff involved in your child’s birth. Contact our Philadelphia Medical Malpractice Lawyers today for a free consultation about the possibility of bringing a lawsuit against the responsible parties.

NEXT: Emergency Room Negligence Lawyers